

well this is gonna about me and my idiosyncracies..... not too personal as well...again procrastination has been my most well structured companions that has always landed me in trouble....starting from various issues that one has to deal with in life like deadlines...well for one deadlines are never like anything but dead for me......they are always like a dagger above my head...but still the feeling of escaping them gives a rush of adrenaline into me and thats where the pandora's box opens up......
above all procrastination is good in one way it gives you time (inspite of the assumed shortages of it) to think of other things in life ( like in french de toute façon a la generally) ........
well procrastination and looming around in solitude powers the creative juices of my soul but it has to achieved by overlooking the necessities and the priorities...

all in all you beoome poorer in conscience coz every time you do this you have to override the conscience and in that sense it starts diminishing.....

that means this same till ad infinitum
i do become conscience-less ..... such a thing has other meaningsss.....
i become the utopia i achieve the para ...... the beyond.....

well enough of procrastination for now

gotta work.......

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