
Linguistic overture

It's very puzzling, for me atleast, to see two words describing the same action, having different connotations but the same letters just rearranged.
I need not explain, but see the difference between - Veto and Vote


Sense's Lenses said...

:) you'd be very good at Haiku. have you tried it?

Cynic in Wonderland said...


Wordsmith eh?

EggHe/\D said...

@Sense - Thanks for the kind comment. I don't usually go near to anything smelling poetry. I suck at understanding poetry. I am still struggling with JAlfred Prufrock ...
@cynic - Its a part time obsession ... suggest you check out other linguistic overture posts as well ...

Cynic in Wonderland said...

i have. the comment was after seeing a whole bunch of em.

EggHe/\D said...

@cynic - Muchos Gracias